Ceiling finish material that falls every typhoon!Wind pressure resistance system is required!!wind pressure resistance systemwind pressure resistance ceiling materialTyphoon Ceiling MaterialTyphoon Ceiling Falling Ceiling Material Falling Ceiling Material Damaged Ceiling MaterialDamaged Ceiling Material Construction Ceiling Repair Ceiling Material Construction Method

Hello, I'm Zenfix, the new value creation for the ceiling!

Typhoons coming in summer!

There are a lot of people who saw the ceiling finishing material fall off and fly.

Most condominiums and one-room buildings are called piloti structures.

"In the case of pilot structures, there is an area of contact with the outside, so of course fire safety is also possible."

It should also be safe from natural disasters such as strong winds and typhoons.

However, at construction sites where no solid reinforcement or wind pressure resistance system is implemented,

Dangerous conditions such as falling ceiling materials and damage to light steel frames may occur due to typhoons.

If the ceiling material falls off due to a typhoon, the ceiling material is not heavy, so it will be blown away by the wind.

Considering that the ceiling material has fallen off the entrance of an apartment with a parking lot on the ground,

All the cars in the parking lot are at risk of damage.

In addition, the lightweight steel frame where the ceiling material falls off is directly hit by the wind.

It can cause damage to lightweight steel frames, etc.

Every year, many people are in danger due to typhoons.

The wind pressure resistance system is not applicable to ceiling construction.

The ceiling material was originally constructed with lightweight steel frames, so naturally, it is vulnerable to typhoons and strong winds, and naturally, it can be answered no.

Zenfix's wind-resistant system is not a special steel frame or more expensive method, but a number of additional materials are added to the traditional clip bar system used to construct ceilings.

The clip bar system itself is lightweight because it is called a lightweight steel frame.

I think you can question whether it is suitable for wind pressure resistance systems.

However, Zenfix's wind pressure resistance system has a record of 58 ms wind speed, and only a few additional materials have been added to the existing ceiling construction method, so the supply and demand of materials are smooth and the cost of materials can be reduced.

The first material to be added to an existing clip bar system is MB clips.

After fixing the hanger bolt, the hanger bolt is secured by the minor channel.

Connect to prevent shaking due to wind pressure and vibration.

Use MB clips to secure bolts and minor channels!

Next is a minor channel clip.

Reinforce and secure the small channel and the small channel clip on the set-up carrier channel.

At this time, the fixing of the carriers prevents them from rolling over due to strong winds.

The third is clip clip clip!

Clipbar clips replace wire clips in existing clipbar systems.

The clip bar can be fixed more firmly than the wire bar.

Materials applicable to Zenfix's wind-resistant system.

The fourth is the spring.

Used in the installation of ceiling materials on lightweight steel frames.

I use a lot of leaf springs for the stability and durability of the settlement.

Finally, Zenfix's one-piece cap!

Zenfix's one-piece cap is not a wind-resistant system, but a reinforced cap used in existing clip bar systems.

It is installed in a groove between the four ceiling members to further strengthen the ceiling members.

The reason why Zenfix's sealing guard system is special is that it is made of reinforced material such as ceiling material.

In the case of other reinforcement caps, many products are made of plastic.

In this case, DMC, a metal ceiling material, is used for fire safety.handle

We can't guarantee perfect fire safety.

Zenfix's sealing protection system is made of the same material as the ceiling material, which can ensure the same fire safety.

It seems that many people are worried about the possibility of damage caused by typhoons falling and flying ceiling materials every year. I think it's because there are many cases where existing ceiling materials fall off.

Zenfix's wind pressure resistance system can be used to reduce material costs and supply and demand smoothly.

Why don't you create a safe environment and create a ceiling that can withstand natural factors such as typhoons and strong winds?

The most ideal and reasonable metal ceiling material, DMC, Jenfix.

For more inquiries and inquiries about product construction and sales,

You can consult via the following contact information or KakaoTalk chat.

Thank you very much. :)



이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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