Good morning!
It's Jenfix, the creation of new value on the ceiling.
SMC is dangerous! You must use DMC! I've been posting for a lot.
You may have wondered how SMC is dangerous and DMC is okay.
Today I'm going to let you know the difference!
First, SMC ceiling material stands for Sheet Molding Compound and is thermosetting resin ceiling material.
In a word, plastic is the main ingredient of the ceiling.
It's a ceiling material made of plastic mixed with glass powder, not ordinary plastic!
Because it is made of plastic, it is resistant to moisture and is used as a finishing material for ceilings in swimming pools and public baths.
SMC and DMC with these differences
Now I'm going to talk about why SMC is dangerous and why DMC should be used.
Do you know of fatal accidents and fires in Jecheon, Miryang, Ulsan and Gimhae?
All of these have in common that SMC ceiling materials are used.
Such dangerous SMC ceiling materials.
There's a big reason why SMC is dangerous!
It is distribution and construction using illegal reports.
SMC increases the glass fiber content of plastic materials to produce a flame retardant grade.
However, products made to fit the product report are easily broken because they contain a lot of glass fiber.
Because the construction price and cost do not match, the product that received the report and the product sold in the market are the same, so it is difficult to construct.
Lowering the glass fiber content means that the quality of the test product is lower than that of the flame-retardant grade.
In other words, fire safety cannot be guaranteed either.
Therefore, they may be selling products with illegal reports before SMC purchase and construction.
You must check the product report!
In addition, SMC ceiling materials are:
The amount of toxic gas discharged is huge and black smoke is exhaled at the same time.
This smoke blocks visibility during a fire, and toxic gas causes suffocation.
So what if a fire breaks out in a building constructed with SMC?
Toxic gas and smoke can be the main culprit of missing prime time, which could lead to more casualties.
DMC, on the other hand, when conducting combustion experiments under the same conditions as SMC,
After 30 seconds, the SMC released black harmful gas and caught fire and started burning.
DMC is harmful without spreading fire after 30 seconds
The gas wasn't released.
You're going to be in trouble because you use SMC a lot without thinking about it. It's possible
But let's just ignore the problems with some unconscionable SMC companies and the SMC we showed you in the combustion experiment.
Fire safety can be taken into consideration at a lower price with a higher non-combustible quasi-combustible grade.
Why don't you use a variety of ceiling materials that can be worn in design and color?
You can create an environment where you can protect yourself even if you can't prevent a fire accident.
I recommend that you create a safe environment with DMC, a non-combustible ceiling material.
SMC천장재? DMC천장재? 그 차이점이 무엇인가요?[SMC/DMC/단가/난연/불연/준불연/천장재/천정재/용도비교/불연성/녹색인증/KS인증/재질/주차장천장/SMC시험성적서]
안녕하세요! 천장의 새로운 가치창조 젠픽스입니다 SMC가 위험하다! DMC를 사용하여야 한다! 계속해서 포스팅하고 있는데 대체 SMC가 어떻길래 위험하고 DMC는 괜찮은거냐 라는 의문 생각해보신 적 있으실텐데요! 오늘은 그 차이점을 알려드리고자 합니다! 먼저, SMC 천장재는 Sheet Molding Compound의 약자로 열경화성수지 천장재입니다. 한마디로 플라스틱이 주 원료인 천장재이며, 그냥 일반 플라스틱이 아닌 플라스틱에 유리가루를 섞어 만든 천장재입니다! 플라스틱이기 때문에 습기에 강하며 그렇기 때문에 수영장이나 목욕탕 등에 천정마감재로 사용이 됩니다. DMC는 Design Molding Ceilling의 약자로 아연도금강판 재질의 천장재입니다. 금속이니까 부식이 쉽지않아? 우려되실 수 있지만 저희 젠픽스의 DMC는 염수분무시험을 통과하였으며, 자체적인 500시간 실험에서도 가뿐히 버텨낼 정도로 습기에 강하다고 할 수 있습니다. 젠픽스의 DMC는 아연도금강판으로 1급 불연, 2급 준불연의 등급이 생산되고 있으며, 3급의 난연등급보다 화재안전성이 뛰어나다고 할 수 있습니다. 금속이니까, 난연등급이 더 좋으니까 당연히 더 비싼거 아니야? 라고 하실 수 있습니다. 하지만, 젠픽스의 DMC는 SMC보다 저렴한 가격이며, 시공방법 또한 SMC와 같은 클립바공법으로써 교체에 있어 많은 비용이 들지않을까 걱정하실 필요가 없으시겠죠? 이런 차이를 가진 SMC와 DMC 이제는 SMC가 왜 위험한지, 왜 DMC를 써야하는지 말씀드리겠습니다. 제천,밀양, 울산, 김해 등 인명사고 및 많은 피해를 남긴 화재들 기억하시나요? 이 모두의 공통점은 SMC천장재가 사용되었다는 것입니다. 그런 위험한 SMC 천장재. SMC가 위험한 가장 큰 이유가 있는데요! 바로 불법성적서를 이용한 유통 및 시공입니다 SMC 는 플라스틱 소재에 유리섬유 함량을 높게 해야 난연등급이 나오게 됩니다. 하지만, 제품성적서에 알맞도록 제작된 제품...
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