[Ceiling Replacing Works] gypsum-texture -> DMC / Gyeongju One Room Hongdae House (mold and moisture)[metal ceiling material,ceiling,Metallic ceiling,exterior building material]


It's Zenfix, 'Creative New Value for the Ceiling'.

The construction location of this posting is Gyeongju One Room "Hongdae House"!

From the ceiling constructed from the existing gypsum-texture, the replacement was entrusted to the DMC metal ceiling material of Zenfix:)

Existing gypsum-texture

Seokgo-Tex is a popular ceiling material because it is not easily burned and economical!

It's often used in schools and offices, so it's so common that you've seen it at least once.

But there's also a fatal drawback to gypsum-texture.

gypsum-texture ceiling damaged by fungi and moisture

Do you see the damaged gypsum-texture in the picture above?

This is the scene that was damaged by moisture and mold, which is a fatal disadvantage of gypsum-texture.

Due to the long rainy season this year, the humidity increased and the gypsum-texture was damaged, so they asked for a replacement with the DMC metal ceiling at Zenfix!

Usually, SMC plastic ceiling materials are used in humid sites.

SMC plastic ceilings are suitable for direct water contact environments, such as swimming pools and saunas, but are not suitable for the exterior or interior of a typical building.

In particular, facilities built in an open-air Piloti manner, like this site, are exposed to the outside, so the damage from fire, strong winds, and shaking is very great.

Therefore, the risk of safety accidents is very high when using a somewhat less robust ceiling material such as SMC.

The Building Act was also amended due to safety accidents caused by the construction of unsuitable places for SMC plastic ceiling materials.

Zenfix's DMC Metal Ceiling is highly suitable for this site because it is highly durable and resistant to not only moisture, but also to fire, strong winds, and shaking, but also to the revised Building Act.

In addition to moisture and safety, there is another reason why we recommend replacing it with DMC metal ceiling.

Usually, pipes used in buildings are connected through the inside of the ceiling!

In the case of pipes passing through water, gypsum boards and mytones are prone to leakage.

In this case, it will damage the appearance and significantly reduce durability, such as discoloration or damage, as shown in the picture above.

Also, in the case of electric or communication cables, maintenance is necessary for inspection or repair!

When you do this, of course, you have to remove the ceiling material.

However, since gypsum-texture is constructed using screws, it is inconvenient to remove some parts and proceed with maintenance.

However, the DMC metal ceiling of Genfix is constructed with a clipbar system that can be installed with the ceiling material removable.

Therefore, it is possible to maintain the ceiling of damaged parts by simple replacement without having to remove them.

Because of these advantages, many people decide to replace DMC metal ceiling material!

As a meticulous construction method of Zenfix only, install lightweight steel frames where DMC metal ceiling material will be installed.

Doesn't it feel much more lively and brighter in the space?

It was the DMC metal ceiling of Zenfix with all the advantages of low price, high quality appearance, strong durability and convenient maintenance :)


For more information, see the official Zenfix website below.

If you contact me via e-mail, I will answer you kindly.





이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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