Reasons why many companies choose Zenfix DMC metal ceiling materials/ Ceiling materials Non-combustible ceiling materials Earthquake-resistant ceiling materials Ceiling minor channel quasi-combustible ceiling construction Galvanized steel plate condominiumsPiloti Corridor EV Hall
Hello, I'm Zenfix, the new value creation on the ceiling. Plastic ceiling materials, aluminum ceiling materials, etc. Various ceiling materials are supplied on the market. Metal ceiling materials are no exception. When many people need a metal ceiling material Find the DMC of Zenfix. DMC has become synonymous with metal ceiling materials! Today, I would like to explain why DMC is loved by many manufacturers. Prior to this, I would like to inform you that we are using the same-day shipping system. Zenfix built a large warehouse of about 1,500 pyeong. It is owned in Gyeonggi-do and Busan. Inside the dedicated warehouse, not only the standard DMC and SDMC of Zenfix, Lightweight steel frame, bathroom dome, gypsum tex, etc., all necessary materials for ceiling construction. We manage and store inventory by product, specification, and color. By means of a system that ships directly from the warehouse after inspection and confirmation when ordering materials, Please remember that Zenfix...