Which non-flammable product can prevent frequent fire accidents in winter?
Hello!👋 It's Zenfix , 'Creative New Value for the Ceiling'. These days, when the cold wave begins in earnest, a growing number of people are using thermal devices in chilly weather. It is closely related to fire accidents that occur especially in winter, so you should always be careful when using a heating device. https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=028&aid=0002522589 In this regard, there has been unfortunate news this week. It's the Gunpo fire. It was a disaster that happened while remodeling an apartment in Gunpo. Judging from the circumstances in which an electric heater was found near flammable substances such as thinner and urethane foam, it is believed to be a fire accident caused by a thermal device. Always be careful not to let this unfortunate incident happen anymore and pay attention to the fire in winter. Zenfix's Construction Photography For those who are considering replacing their interior in prepar...